
Softball is right around the corner. For the second year, our co-ed neighborhood team is going to tale it to all challengers at Stephens Field. We are still looking for more players, we have 14 and need six more. If you are interested in playing please contact Nicole Perry

Yesterday's News

A neighborhood association has two primary functions. The first is to build relationships among neighbors and create a sense of community and shared value. Members of a neighborhood may go years without knowing neighbors two doors away. A spirit of warmth and friendliness can be generated through an active association. The second function is to help preserve and increase property values within the neighborhood by making repairs, improvements and upholding certain covenants that help protect the characteristics that drew us all to Clarke Estates in the first place. Know that its an association that looks at the long term vision of what our neighborhood will look and feel like for decades to come.

Through an association, neighbors can share concerns, needs and interests, which lead to collaborative and efficient problem solving. We are our own best resources to help initiate improvements in our neighborhood!

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